Advent 3. Confidence.

But after he had considered this, an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream and said, “Joseph son of David, do not be afraid to take Mary home as your wife, because what is conceived in her is from the Holy Spirit. She will give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus, because he will save his people from their sins.” ~ Matthew 1:20-21

This Advent series follows the course of four mystical appearings. Angels. Messengers. Divine encounters with normal people who responded in hope…and changed the story.

The dilemma. A young man’s world is falling apart, and he’s anxious beyond measure. The woman he grew up with in their small town, the woman he fell in love with—the unthinkable has happened. Whether faithless or coerced, she’s now pregnant. Honor requires him to break off the engagement…and kindness requires him to protect her honor. It’s an impossible situation, and there’s no good outcome. Only the avoidance of worse outcomes. He replays all the possible scenarios in his head until feels sick. Anxiety is his constant companion.

The angel. Is this what they call “lucid dreaming”? An imposing figure is speaking to him, telling him he doesn’t need to be anxious. That this train-wreck of a life situation is actually purposeful, heading somewhere good. His dreams of a life with Mary can be somehow redeemed…if he will trust this messenger and marry his bride. Talk about an eleventh hour rescue!

The coming. Yes, he breathes, I will. I will discard my fear and dare to trust that God is big enough to bring meaning out of this crazy situation. And in that breath, confidence surges and displaces the anxiety. Confidence relaxes the vice grip on his heart and steadies his resolve. Suddenly he’s a free man again.

What tension are you facing right now? Name the anxiety…and now name what would be the angelic message to your heart? It’s time to remind yourself of what you really believe: that despite the blows and buffets of circumstance, life is fundamentally good. Because God’s goodness is larger than circumstance. It both leverages and transcends circumstance in ways that are, well, mystical.

Step into your freedom. Take up your calling today with new confidence.

Next week, angels appear to an unsuspecting workgroup of sheep herders.

Jerome Daley