breath prayer

“Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.” ~ 1 Thess 5:16-18


There is nothing more fundamental to life than breath. When God created Adam, it says that he formed him from the dust…and then breathed into his nostrils so that he came to life. And ever since, we humans have been sustained moment-by-invisible-moment with that same breath—the very Spirit of God flowing into us and out of us. About 20,000 times a day.

It’s not an accident that both the Hebrew and Greek words for “breath” are the exact same word as for “spirit.” Breathing is an inherently spiritual act. At least when we are conscious of it. So one of the most fundamental spiritual practices we can engage is also the simplest: conscious breath.

When Paul challenges us to “pray continually,” it seems like hyperbole. No one can speak prayers, even internally, in every waking moment. Not even monks do that. But what are we doing in every waking moment? Breathing.

Can breath become prayer? The monastics would say yes.


The Practice

A Breath Prayer is a word or very short phrase that we can attach to the inhale and exhale of a single breath. What word or phrase? That’s up to you. It can be one of the names of God or the Trinity. It can be one of the fruits of the Spirit, like “Just Love.” It can be a biblical invitation, like “Be still.” It can be a symbol of consent and surrender like the word “Yes, Lord.” Whatever you choose, stick with it for a season to allow it to become part of your way of being for a time. Breathe. Pray.

Once you’ve chosen your Breath Prayer, try incorporating it into your daily quiet time for a few minutes. Use it as your “sacred word” for Centering Prayer. Use it as a prayer over meals. Use it to end your day as you get into bed. Use it to settle back down if you wake in the night. Let it be your first thought as your eyes open in the morning. Breathe. Pray. Easy.

One of the greatest benefits of a Breath Prayer lies in its ability to re-center the soul when we catch ourselves getting anxious or frustrated in the course of a day. The moment you realize that you’ve gotten hooked, simply tune in to your breath and use your prayer.

Breathe. Pray.


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