
We are plain quiet folk and have no use for adventures. Nasty disturbing uncomfortable things! Make you late for dinner!

~ Bilbo Baggins

lent 5. From entertainment to adventure

I flew into Madrid today en route to a personal retreat in Spain before we head up to the Netherlands. As you probably know, our daughters live here in Europe, so we are taking every opportunity to see them. Sometimes travel just lines up perfectly. Alas, this was not one of those times.

  • Even with a 2-hour layover, I missed my flight out of Madrid.

  • Paying for my new flight, I must have laid down my wallet on the counter… only to have it stolen. (The contemplative word for this is Crap!)

  • Still clutching my passport, I made it to my destination only to find that the data service on my phone wasn’t working, and I had to drive an hour in Spain without my GPS. Actually using a paper map—remember those?! Driving a stick-shift! Time warp.

  • Oh, and I only had about 5 euros in my pocket. I couldn’t even buy dinner. I’m eating leftover snacks from the plane as I write this. Carbolicious!

Pause that story of woe and cut to an interesting parallel: Two days from now is “April Fool’s Day.” Yeah, this is going to be good!

As with Saint Patrick’s Day, we have reduced this day to the infantile—playing practical jokes on the unsuspecting. But like the Irish saint, the Fool is actually a well of wisdom for those with eyes to see. Paul picked upon this profound paradox when he told the Corinthians that “the foolishness of God is wiser than human wisdom, and the weakness of God is stronger than human strength.”

In Jungian mystical archetypes the Fool is a powerful character who uses his zest for life to find the humor in everything. With bold curiosity, she throws herself into adventure with the unique art of keeping a positive attitude despite the unavoidable twists and turns of fate. In this way the entertainer is also the adventurer. The part that seems “foolish” to most of us is the act of letting go and surrendering the outcome of our circumstances… but this is the essential part. So here’s the question of the moment: Can you access the wisdom of the Fool in your story when needed?

Now let’s bring these two threads together: As my day of woe unfolded, the missed flight was something I could absorb. But the loss of my wallet (and the two hours I spent retracing my steps and talking with the authorities) was a bitter pill indeed. Replacing every card and ID and getting replacements to Spain is no small task. And the EnneaSix is not known for its positivity! Preparedness yes, but a carefree attitude not so much. And this is precisely where the wisdom of the Fool comes into play.

An immature Fool is content to play the clown and get a laugh, but the mature Fool embraces the setbacks and obstacles of life without letting them dampen his adventurous fire. Instead, her buoyant optimism empowers her to find humor in the very absurdities that seek to bring her down, fueling her resolve and resourcefulness in the process. Does that sound useful to you? It’s an absolute superpower!

I’m not sure I rose to the full potential of the Fool today, but eventually I found myself chuckling and leaning into the stability of knowing that all my losses would work themselves out. That somehow or other, I would reach my destination, and that a loving Hand would catch me in every fall. The contemplative carries a deepening gnosis that ultimately, Love will win and all will be well.

growing your soul

Can you name any hardships in your journey right now that could use a dose of optimism and humor? How might you access those resources today?

serving our world

How can you move beyond the dullness of entertainment to the boldness of adventurous service to others?


Dig deep and go big.


This week’s musical meditation isn’t a chant per se, but it is a beautiful immersion in the “deep deep love of Jesus” that sustains us in both mishaps and delights.

Jerome DaleyComment