Skinny or Healthy?

by Nutritional Coaching associate Ashley Lindemulder

I was reading a post on Instagram by someone talking about their journey of self-love, specifically in relation to food and exercise. I found myself drawn to what she said about moving (and I will add eating) for joy instead of pressure from diet culture.

It’s an unfortunate reality that society puts extreme pressure on us to conform to what they deem beautiful, and so often being skinny is seen as equivalent to being healthy. This, however, is not the case. Not to say that skinny people aren’t healthy, as they may be, but that is not an accurate way to measure health. For much of my life, I fit the mold for being super thin, and that was affirmed as healthy and beautiful by others. In reality, I was often very much underweight, tired, and generally felt unwell.

So how do we measure health, and how do we change our mindset towards diet and exercise to reflect self-love? Maybe you even shy away from the idea of self-love as somehow selfish or egotistical, but nothing could be further from the truth. The second part of the Great Commandment to love others “as we love ourselves” becomes meaningless until we can receive our own lovability first.

Measuring health is really very simple when you pay attention to how your body feels. Do you feel sluggish, tired, bloated, and gassy…or do you generally feel energized and well? These are the markers of how your body is doing. If you know that you are perhaps not as healthy as you could be, how can you change your lifestyle in a sustainable way that will bring you joy?

I challenge and encourage you to contemplate this as we move towards the warmer seasons where the pressure for thinness rises. Perhaps instead of counting calories and pushing your body harder at the gym, you could find a physical activity that you enjoy doing—and pursue that, whether or not it burns the most calories. Taking a walk with a friend, joining a dance class, or a martial arts class… These could be enjoyable alternatives to the intense HIIT classes (unless of course you enjoy that!). For me, I’ve recently started doing yoga again and have found myself deeply enjoying the mindfulness that goes along with breath and body stance. Practices like these benefit mind, body, and spirit! Which make us healthier.

Eating in a way that brings joy may seem like the opposite of health, especially for those of us drawn to sweets! But if we’re honest, does eating the less nutritious food you want actually bring you joy for more than a minute? After the initial rush, I find myself feeling less well and more aware of the unhealthy body signals mentioned above. That’s not to say that you have to eat salads and smoothies every meal; it may take a little more effort, but I bet if you thought about it, you would find more nutritious foods that you actually do enjoy. Maybe you do love salads and smoothies, or maybe you find healthier substitutes for the food you’re typically drawn to. There are so many options and ways to eat that nourish us in delightful ways!

On the other side of the coin, if you feel healthy and well, then your body is probably where it is supposed to be…and you can embrace self-love and acceptance, even if other voices are telling you to lose five more pounds. Listen to your body: Eat when you are hungry, rest when you are tired. Your body knows what it needs! Being super thin will not bring anyone happiness, as I often have to remind myself. Instead, we can find happiness where we are and enjoy our journey towards health. If you would like someone to support and guide you on your journey, feel free to schedule a free consultation with me!

Growing the Soul

Since joy is a spiritual virtue, think about a physical activity that brings you the most joy…and work that more intentionally into your schedule this month.

Serving the World

During the season of Lent, be conscious to not only reject culture judgments for yourself but to also guard your heart against judging others for their body. Offer the gift of unconditional acceptance.


Love yourself. God does.