Navigation for Portals
“Our Savior is our true Mother in whom we are endlessly born and out of whom we shall never come.”[39]
“The one who seeks should not cease seeking until she finds. When she finds, she will be dismayed. When she is dismayed, she will be astonished, and she will be Queen over the All.”[40]
Portal 4
From Patriarchy to Honor: Reclaiming Your Cherished Nature
You have journeyed through three portals of discovery, pain, and sorrow. This fourth portal is about naming who you are and receiving your voice. Patriarchy has been so vocal in telling women who they are and who they cannot be, but we have awakened and now we see a different path before us. A path of ownership to our own Souls, our own Spirit and our own Body. We can now receive one of our superpowers, intuition. Remember when we discussed how women think called contextual thinking in Portal 3?
This is where our very misunderstood intuition comes into play. Intuition is described as the ability to know something immediately without the need for analytical thought or conscious reasoning. Most of the time intuition is happening subconsciously because it is inferring from past emotions, patterns or experiences. This is what women can do; we can synthesize all this information in a matter of seconds and have that gut knowing of what is best in uncertain or complex situations.
I believe that you have had that experience of either hearing a voice on the inside giving you information for something that is happening or just a knowing in the pit of your stomach that something is either wrong or a knowledge of what path should be taken. It can take us a long time to give credence to this part of our souls, but it is vital that we begin to listen and act on these messages from our body. If we are in tune with Mother wisdom, then we can trust that her wisdom is inside of us.
This is an invitation to let go of the old narratives in your head, the voices that tell you that you are fundamentally wrong and embrace the deep knowing inside. Come to the fountain it is full of water for cleansing, refreshing, sustenance and nurture. The gospel of Phillip has this treasure to share with us,
The workings of this world are made possible through four forms. The goods of the world are gathered into the storehouse by way of water, earth, air, and light. And the workings of God are likewise through four: faith, and hope and love and Gnosis. The earth is faith, in which we take root. The water is hope, by which we are nourished. The air is love, by which we grow. And the light is Gnosis by which we ripen.[41]
We have hope that also involves grief, as all hope does, because we would not need to hope for something if we did not have something we wished would change. Patriarchy will never disappear from our world, but that does not mean that we, as women, succumb to it. We can choose to have faith, it always involves letting go, put our roots down into Mother Earth and begin to get drenched in the waters of nurturance that will sustain us on our journey towards Sophia.
Before we go into the meditation, I am excited to share with you the story of the fountain you will be seeing in the video. It is called “Descent of the Spirit” it was sculpted by Jacques Lipchitz in 1969. A remarkable woman named Jane Owen built a roofless church in New Harmony, Indiana and asked Lipchitz to place his sculpture at the heart of it. She had commissioned Lipchitz to create three castes of the bronze sculpture. One was to go to New Harmony, another to a French village, and the third was to go in the National Cathedral in Washington D.C. Here is how the story is told by John Philip Newell in his book, The Rebirthing of God.
The cathedral leaders agreed in principle to feature the sculpture, but when they saw it, they refused to accept it. It was too explicit in its representation of the Divine Feminine opening to give birth. So instead, as Jane Owen explained to me when I met her many years later, they commissioned another artist to create a statue of George Washington riding a horse! The young Jane Owen was upset by their refusal. She went to New York to pour out her soul to a religious sister who told her there was someone visiting from Scotland whom she should meet. His name was George MacLeod (1895–1991). He and his young Scottish community were in the midst of rebuilding Iona Abbey.[42]
They would not accept the sculpture because it was a representation of the Feminine Divine and instead replaced it with a white male on a horse. Enough said. Iona is a beautiful island in Scotland and is a wonderful pilgrimage, but you could just go to New Harmony, Indiana to see the real beauty of this magical piece.
Write Your Story
Take some time to Write your responses to these prompts in your journal.
· What stops me from listening to my intuition?
· How do you think your life would change if you took on this superpower of intuition and drenched yourself in Sophia’s wisdom?
Start the video that leads you to the fourth portal. When you arrive at this portal, envision yourself standing at the fountain maybe letting the water run through your fingers. Can you let yourself be nurtured and soothed by the water? You may not be able to release your pain today you may need more time but try to stay with what is happening inside you.
· Let a word arise in the stillness and locate that word in your body.
· When the music ends, write down your word and where it resides in your body.
Take as much time as you need to hold what has been given, and when you are ready, the fifth portal awaits.
click for Portal 5: From Dissociation to Wholeness…
(c) 2025 Kellie Wilder Daley. All rights reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.
Top image by Meinrad Craighead. "Julian of Norwich," 1981. Copyright Amy Dosser. Used by permission.
For footnotes, click here.